Inspired by traveling the world, experiencing the mountains in their massive state of being, observing the life and atmosphere, I discovered a way to honor the overall preciousness of our planet, our only living source, by transforming an indigenous tradition into a personal artwork.
The skulls of the most skilled and strong animal in the mountains, the Capricorn, enforced by its star sign meaning, get back a timeless live by being an art sculpture, by its decoration with hundreds of tiny glass beads.
Ornaments of water, the main element for live cover them allover. I think of its preciousness, however it appears, as snow or ice in the poles and our winters in the mountains, or as liquid water from rains, rivers, lakes and seas. I think of our shameless using and polluting water, as it would be ours, remembering it’s not. Triskel and his sister and brother La Reina and Auro are poems, prayers, to give us the courage to change our attitude of possession, prosperity and capitalism. They will look at us and remember, that the ice is melting, the mountains are crumbling and clean water is less and less available.
We cannot afford to look away, we cannot afford to act as we didn’t know.
If sold, half the price will be donated to an active organization with significant work on saving the worlds waters and keeping its free access to everyone as a human right. The other half will go to my artbudget, to realize further and bigger works with similar meaning and message.
Auro (in progress)
Male Capricorn Skull
Glass Beads
Sculpture, 2019